Saturday, June 19, 2010

Our Week

We have had a pleasant week. The sun came out and it has warmed up so we aren't freezing. My garden is starting to come alive. It is growing very slowly but at least I'm seeing some green come up.
I've done some serious hookey this week. My pile of hats is growing.
I think I need to start a hooking club. Would anyone come? How delicious it would be to see everyone's projects and get all sorts of ideas.

This week we have had time to get out and get together with new friends for tea and yummy lemon cakes.
We've made chocolate chip muffins.

last night we had this sweet, darling young lady over for the night.
She goes to our church. She is so talented.
I haven't told her parents yet that I would like to keep stay....for good. ha!
I love girls her age! They are fun with their dances, singing, playing and they love to talk.
It's great!
I had a great time! Thanks for being such a doll Miss. V!

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