Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Chuckles With a Friend

Today I'm thankful for friends that God has given me.

My friends are so good to me.  They pray for me, check on me and sometimes, depending on the day, most importantly, laugh with me!  We all need a good laugh sometimes and laughing through pain is a bit nicer than crying through it. Today I woke up feeling a bit better then yesterday but still not quite myself.  I sat for a few hours wondering if I needed to go to the hospital...LOL  James says I can be quite dramatic at times.  
I decided instead of sitting around having a pity party I would meet my girlfriend at the rec center to work out.  Boy, do I feel so much better after a light workout and a shake from McDonald's.  It was a forty minute light workout on the elliptical while sharing lots of laughs with Ami.  A few times I had to stop and bend over to get the laughs out...yup, it hurts to laugh but I don't care.  After, we walked around the track once to cool down and she said to me "hurry up, we can't let anymore old people pass us."  Now I know that may not sound funny but it was.  I didn't realize what a turtle I was being.  Well, I had to step aside to let the older folks go on by while I was bending over once again laughing.  Thanks for the laughs Ami!  I'm glad I could also give you a good laugh regarding checking my pulse in the evenings...(that's a whole other story).  I feel so much better.  I'm also thankful for friends who can laugh with me over what a pain it can be to sneeze (most people don't know it can really hurt to sneeze), who take time out of their busy schedules to go to Red Lobster with me, have tea with me,  who have always encouraged me on our adoption journey and have always been sensitive towards my feelings when they have gotten pregnant knowing I couldn't.  I used to love sharing in the joys of my friends pregnancies but they always made it so much easier being so sensitive towards my feelings.
We all need good friends to laugh with and God has put some amazing people in my life.

This is one of my favorite posters of two girlfriends just walking in downtown Chicago arm in arm.  I have it hanging in my house and just love it.  We all need good friends we can walk arm in arm with through our lives.

"We cannot tell the precise moment when friendship is formed.
As in filling a vessel drop by drop, there is at last a drop which makes it run over;
so in a series of kindnesses there is at last one which makes the heart run over."
...James Boswell

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