Monday, June 28, 2010

My First Week Working Out...Shedding the Pounds

Now that I'm closer to forty than thirty....shhhh...don't tell anyone...I have learned a few things about exercising the past week.
I used to love to run in my 20's but having Endometriosis made running next to impossible.  I eventually gave up running due to spotting non stop for months at a time.   Oh, but I loved running but now it just isn't even worth thinking about.  I'm so thankful I have an older sister who, after a few years, finally convinced me to go to a Reproductive Endocronologist.  After my second visit there we knew what the problem was.  
Now I take a little more care and try not to do activities that irritate my condition.  
I have spent a little over a week now exercising in the hopes of losing a little weight but mostly just keeping my heart healthy.
I was also hoping it would give me more energy.  I'm sure it's what has been proven.  After one workout last week with my friend I came home and said to James "boy, am I ever pooped."
Since it has been a few years since I have worked out here are a couple things I'm having to learn...

1) DO not..I tell ya, it is not even worth it...just do not even consider weighing yourself after the first week.   I weighed myself yesterday and I've gained.  I really have to tell myself that I am building muscle.  

2)  Don't forget that muscle weighs more then fat but fat will burn more I've been told.  It's what I hope at least.

3)Buy a membership at a gym.  It's a lot more fun to work out with a friend and also makes the time go faster.  It also gives you a little time alone from your little one if you have one.  :)

4)At this point in my life I AM NOT willing to give up sweets or chocolate.  In my 20's I was all about giving up sweets.  Not anymore.

5)  Hide the scale...again, it's not even worth checking.  I'm looking for a healthy habit, not to be a skinny cow.  (ha)  I love skinny cows!  Have you ever tried them?  It's a low calorie treat you can find in your freezer section at the store.  :)
Well, I'm off to walk for a half hour on my treadmill.  I don't try to overdue it otherwise it will become a chore and not something to be enjoyed.
 Perhaps I should reward myself with a Swiss Cake roll after...or maybe not.

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